Paid Leave

Content / LOJEL

Article planning, overseeing an editorial agency, and managing contributors to LOJEL’s brand journal.

Paid Leave

Paid Leave

Inspired by new experiences and new encounters, Paid Leave is a curated collection of interests and inspirations for today’s travelers.

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Memento: Mark Rammers

Memento: Mark Rammers

No matter where we travel to, there are things we take with us—or things we bring home to remember a place. That’s the purpose of this series: to learn about the #LojelCollective’s favorite items or keepsakes, and the stories behind them.

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Principles of Modern Travel: Chelsea Kyle

Principles of Modern Travel: Chelsea Kyle

Blogs, magazines, guidebooks. You may often refer to these sources for inspiration and advice, but the truth is, there’s no “correct” way to travel.

The purpose of this series is to gather insight from the creative and curious who regularly embark on new adventures. We’ve collected their best stories to create a list of principles that can guide you on your journeys—interpret them, learn from them, and use them to define what modern travel means to you.

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Local Time: London

Local Time: London

When you’re traveling, time isn’t always a luxury you can afford. But two minutes might be all you need to take in that historic landmark. In 20 minutes, you can have lunch at that famous café. In 120 minutes, you can tour that iconic gallery. By shifting your sense of time, you can manage it, maximize it, and have a journey that’s as full as it is fulfilling.

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